Avatar Creation for Social VR, Part 2: The Blender Interface and Project Setup
Note: This series is an ongoing work in progress, and the video tutorials in particular will be updated and published publicly after I have finished recording the entire series. For now, the visibility for the videos has been set to shareable link only – if you have feedback on their clarity, pacing, or even whether or not the jokes land, I would welcome it in the comments here or on Youtube.
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: The Blender Interface and Project Setup – You Are Here
- Part 3: Character Modeling
So! Welcome back! This is part two of the series, which introduces the Blender interface, setting up your project with reference image planes and your starting cube, and introduces the tools you’ll be using for mesh editing.
We’re going to create this avatar by manipulating edges, faces, and vertices individually, by cutting, tweaking, and extruding until we have a completed model – a process sometimes called poly modeling, or box modeling.
Later, I’ll be producing another series after this one that gets into the sculpting workflow, but if you’ve never modeled anything before, it’s probably best to start with an understanding of box modeling. It’s a process that you can do entirely with a mouse instead of a stylus, it will get you acquainted with the blender interface, and doing everything edge by edge, vertex by vertex, will help you gain an appreciation for your polygon economy, which is vital to have, when creating avatars with a decent performance rating.
Continue reading “Avatar Creation for Social VR, Part 2: The Blender Interface and Project Setup”
Avatar Creation for Social VR, Part 1: Introduction
Note: This series is an ongoing work in progress, and the video tutorials in particular will be updated and published publicly after I have finished recording the entire series. For now, the visibility for the videos has been set to shareable link only – if you have feedback on their clarity, pacing, or even whether or not the jokes land, I would welcome it in the comments here or on Youtube.
- Part 1: Introduction – You Are Here
- Part 2: The Blender Interface and Project Setup
- Part 3: Character Modeling
Hello! My name is Root, and I would like to talk to you about the process of creating an avatar for use in VRChat and other social VR applications. We will be making this avatar from scratch, primarily using the popular 3d modeling and animation software, Blender. But first let me take a moment to talk about why I am creating this series, who it is for, and what to expect.
Continue reading “Avatar Creation for Social VR, Part 1: Introduction”